Waiting for Grace

Preparing For Our Greatest Victory – waiting for Grace clip


A book by Eric.  Here’s a page as a sample – if you’d like to read the entire thing- let me know -I could use your help!  It’s been sitting four long years… there’s a newer edit in kindle version… transcribed from a series of messages written in 2009 based on those beautiful words:

But we have been given this brief moment of grace.”

Just a taste of Waiting for Grace:

Spiritually, it only takes one person to look upwards.  Just one looking up and we want to turn our hearts and heads as well, taking our eyes off what’s holding us down and keeping us lonely.  When we look up, we begin to focus on something higher than ourselves.  It only takes one person to look up, and others who follow begin to understand that there is an astonishing world for us to live in.  Looking up, we discover that Healing Grace flows freely from God. 

Send me a note if you’d like to read or edit the entire manuscript.  Maybe someday it’ll actually make it to an publisher!

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