Jackets for Jesus

jackets for Jesus text artJackets for Jesus provides hot meals to the urban impoverished of Los Angeles. Each Sunday night, since January 1, 1989, a team of dedicated workers cooks the meal, divides donated food into individual servings, then makes the long trip to the streest of Los Angeles to feed a waiting crowd. Jackets are also given to people who would spend a miserable night in the cold otherwise.

Each Christmas, hundreds of backpacks, stuffed with necessary personal items, food and clothing are distributed. Hundreds of volunteers from many area churches, have packed and gifted thousands of backpacks over the years for our annual Christmas Party on the streets as gifts for our friends who live on skid row.

You’re invited to join us any Sunday night.

Jackets For Jesus is supported by individual donors who give generously to help the urban impoverished. You are invited to join this group of faithful supporters. All checks are to be made payable to Jackets For Jesus. Credit Card donations are also accepted.

A cool new video of what we do


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