family & friends



“Big” family- our parents, siblings, children, uncles, aunts, cousin’s grandchildren & grandparents -they’re all just the beginning of our “Big” family.  Most of us have many other “uncles” and “aunts, ” “brothers” and “sisters” that have no blood connection but who are as close, often closer, than those we grew up with.

My life has been blessed with family and friends who’ve always treated me like family and have been included in our family circle as well as a number of church families and fellowships around the world.  Whatever good that’s come through my life has been because of the way God used and continues to use them to shape me into who He longs for me to be.  The bad…?  Well that’s on me 🙂

“Small” family: falling in love, having children, building a home of our own- so that “Big” family continues.  I’m a family man and of the belief that each one of us, at our very best, are deeply connected to family and friends.  How could “we” be any other way?  The “we” of life, society, the church, creation, requires an uncomfortable level of intimacy for us to become.

Family is at the core of societies shared memory and history.  Even if it’s just a bunch of kids wearing Batman t-shirts.  We were so cool!

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