Category Archives: Family and Friends

The people who make life worthwhile.

Meaningful Moments

Matthew and Lindsey Brown cropped

So beautiful, new husband standing beside her, hugging me – she said: “Pastor Eric, when we started to plan the wedding there was only one person I wanted to do the service.  Thanks so much.”

 I was moved.  Don’t know why.  I’ve officiated over more weddings than I can remember.  Family members, friends, strangers, church members, our children… even still, after all these years, my heart was strangely warmed and I was thankful we’d taken our Friday evening to share Matthew and Lindsey’s big night.  They’re fantastic people with a great future in store.

 Simple things… someone taking the time to say “Thanks,” in the middle of their life changing moment, mean so very much and we overlook them so often.

Watching Lindsey walk into the arms of her new husband– couldn’t help but flash back across the years: when I’d first met the family, her being a little girl and then a teenager around the church, the year she picked out and delivered the church Christmas tree… a flood of simple moments that added up to the opportunity to share in this big night- not as a stranger in the crowd –but as a friend.  Quietly, as all eyes were on the bride, I thanked God.  He’s too good.

 Thanks to each of you who’ve played a part in my life.  I can’t imagine anyone other than those who have loved me and I’ve loved in return sharing these moments.  Many of you- some I haven’t seen for years –live vividly in my thoughts and remain in my prayers.

 Beauty, ability, the warmth of friends and family nearby, even the wonder of a wedding at sunset don’t have to all slip away.  Instead, we can open our hearts to each opportunity trusting God, that Great Weaver of Creations Tapestry, to put each thread perfectly in place.  Then when the moment – like a bubble rushing to the surface of a pond – presents itself, we can joyously say “Thanks!”  Thanks.  Thanks so very much.

 Giving thanks… It’s a simple truth to a life worth living.