The Cost of Membership

Jesus Pilot me

Membership Requirements

Got in from Good Friday services and checking fb saw that a friend of mine was out to dinner with his wife at SDYC – not being overly creative and knowing I was taking a few days off in the weeks ahead, looked into making reservations for dinner at a yacht club a little closer to home. While on their web page couldn’t help but check out the “Membership Requirements.” Reading them, thought of Woody Allen’s old joke about “not wanting to be a member of any club that would have me as a member.”

Reflecting on the messages I’d just shared in our Good Friday services. Thought I’d compare what it takes for membership in a local yacht club compared to membership in The Kingdom of God. (hope I still get to go to dinner at “the club” next week! – even though I’m not a member 🙂

The process for Membership at a Southern California Yacht Club:

(taken directly from their www site)

First — You will need to be sponsored by two current Flag members – contact your ——– friends or call us for assistance.

Second — Your sponsors will have a short meeting with a few members of the Membership Committee to discuss your interest in boating.

Third:  Complete the application form which also requires two (2) ———— Sponsors and a minimum of three (3) personal character references, one of which must be a ———– member – all will need to write letters of recommendation for you.

Fourth: Once the completed application is received at ———, the applicant’s name will be posted on both the Club’s bulletin board and website for 30 days.

Fifth: You will be invited to the next monthly Membership Committee meeting where your sponsors and you will share with us why you want to be a member of our Club.  The Membership Committee then makes its recommendation to the Board of Directors

Sixth; Membership approval is required by the ———- Board of Directors which meets monthly.

Seventh; Discretely, membership fees are not mentioned.


The process for Membership in The Kingdom of Heaven:

(taken directly from The Promise of Jesus – Luke 23:42,43)

First —   Just ask. – Then he said, “Jesus, remember me when you come into your kingdom.”

Second — Jesus answered him, “Truly I tell you, today you will be with me in paradise.”

Third – Cost? – Jesus said, “Father, forgive them, for they do not know what they are doing.”

(Luke 23:34)

Our “membership fee” to His Kingdom- starting today –was paid in full –by Christ

Alone.  It’s good forever and pays daily dividends as we share fellowship with The

Father and participate in His Family – with open doors at churches around the world.