Thanksgiving at Central Community



You’re Invited to share our 29th Annual Community Wide Free Thanksgiving Dinner!  If you need a meal delivered, would like to share a meal with us at the church or if you’re ready to roll up your sleeves and volunteer, You’re Invited!  We already have 1,500 reservations and we don’t want you to be left out of the excitement!
Tuesday night, Nov 22 – Knock the Stuffing out Party – 6pm at Central Community
Wednesday – greet people as they drop off turkeys and work in the kitchen
Wednesday night,  6pm – Potato Peeling Party!  Bring potatoes, a peeler and fun!
The All Night Crew – this requires a special joy, stamina and strength!  Without these folks the dinner doesn’t happen.  Come be a miracle in the night.  You’re Invited!
THANKSGIVING DAY – Serve, Deliver, Celebrate, Clean up – Don’t miss the moment!
We Still Need – Pumpkin Pie, lots and lots of it.  Turkey.  We also have frozen turkey at the church that needs to be cooked.  Most of all we need you.  If you don’t have plans for Thanksgiving, for whatever reason, come be with us.  We don’t want anyone to be alone or go without.  Let’s be together – serving, sharing, giving thanks.
Welcome Home to Thanksgiving at Central Community