Que Milagro

“Que milagro…” the words just slipped out… My only response to the story I’d heard after helping deliver dinner to the little church in Tijuana that’s given up their lives and facilities to help shelter the flood of desperate refugees, traveling thousands of dangerous miles, making their way to our borders.

“What a miracle!” I wish you would have been with us.

A number of the families had been moved one step closer to possible acceptance into the United States. The little church with the huge heart was asked to help 30 more people.

Mind you, their sanctuary and fellowship hall are littered with tired bodies and their simple courtyard is filled with children on bikes, circles of men playing dominoes and so many women with often exhausted, nearly vacant eyes. Waiting. Everyone waiting.

Agreeing to take 30 more (don’t know how the pastor’s keeping his job!) Mexican immigration showed up at their gate with a couple of families and a group of single men. Pastor began to refuse the men when a loud scream came from inside. A woman yelling… Running…

Separated from her husband while covering the dangerous journey to Tijuana – they both had continued on, independently – it was their only hope. Neither had anything to return to – now they didn’t even have each other.

Looking out from the courtyard, standing with a group of forlorn men about to be turned away, was her man, her husband. She hadn’t seen him since Central America. She didn’t know if he was dead, lost or in one of the many detention centers along the way.

Alive! Here! How could she not scream in joy and throw herself into his arms? A miracle!

What was the pastor to do but welcome all of the men who’d shared this moment. They’re all testimony to God’s Grace in the most difficult of days. They’d shared the misery and now the miracle. The story was still being told with joy when we arrived.

Jesus didn’t do many miracles in warm, comfortable surroundings. Not even in his own hometown. Refused completely when in halls of wealth and power – even when rulers begged Him. Promised to spare Him. He knew their hearts.

But among the desperate, the dispossessed, those shunned by society and kept outside the gates, His Power moved freely. His Presence was Real. He said “The Kingdom of God is within you. It’s all around you! It’s not far away. It’s here! It’s now!” And Love blossomed. Lives were forever changed. Multitudes were fed. Eyes were opened. People stood, walked, ran, screamed with joy! The Seeds of His church – still bearing fruit on a hillside in Tijuana – were planted.

Jesus said “Don’t be afraid little flock for it’s The Father’s good pleasure – it pleases God – to give you the very Kingdom of Heaven.”

We shared in The Wonder of it All Wednesday afternoon and it was amazing.

Has it been a while – or maybe ever – since you’ve been caught in the middle of a moment where the only words that could pass over your lips were “It’s a miracle!”

God hasn’t stopped working. It may have more to do with the company you keep. The life of comfort you’ve learned to depend on. Maybe it’s been too long since you were surrounded by those living in desperation… Seeking a solution. Open to The Intervention of the Almighty. Living with Hope as their only destination.

I began my Wednesday feeling desperate. How would every need be met? I closed my day with words I didn’t even remember I knew slipping through my lips “que milagro…” The wonder of life and so very many Wednesdays…

I’d love to share each of my Wednesdays – all of the miracles, great or small – with you. Yesterday I took a new friend from San Diego. A guy retired at the age of 52 who’s seen so much of the planet. The afternoon rocked his world. There was room in the old Sequoia, at Siempre, in the circle of refugees for you.

Lord willing, I’ll be going next Wednesday. No idea what the days ahead hold – but reminded anew Who holds each one of them, that it gives God pleasure to please us, that we’re invited to lives of miracles and wonder.

My prayer for you today is that God touches you with Wonder anew. That something sleeping within you would wake up. That without even knowing it you might find yourself saying words once foreign or forgotten as you recognize the miracle within you, around you. That you might say “Yes!” to whatever it is that’s waiting to change in your life. I’m praying for you.

Going to Siempre next Wednesday. Going to Thanksgiving at Central Community every day this month. Whisper a prayer for us… for me… Praying that no one is alone or goes without at the holidays. Praying we can help. More than ever I want you to know that we need you. We want to scream, throw our arms in the air, run and embrace you… I want to see the miracle in you. More importantly, I want YOU to see and know The Miracle in you. Don’t stand outside at the gate. You’re Invited!

Que milagro!