Saint Teresa and my Mom

With Mother Teresa becoming Saint Teresa tomorrow, the correspondence she had with my mom becomes just a bit more precious. Mom gave me this letter, way back in 1990, when she had been wMother Teresa letterriting her about our new work with the poor on skidrow, Jackets for Jesus. I keep it in my office as a reminder of the wonderful women who’ve lifted our work and me personally up in prayer.

If someone needs miracles in order to be canonized as a saint, Jackets for Jesus has experienced enough across the years to cover Mother Teresa a dozen times over.

Always humbled to think that so many lift us up in prayer. Tomorrow I’ll celebrate a bit as one of Jackets for Jesus very own prayer warriors takes so special a place in the life of the church. She was an amazing example of love to all humanity and if anyone ever deserves so high an honor, it would be her.

Thanks for your loving and prayerful encouragement and support as we took our first steps into the darkness. God speed as your witness continues to lead us into The Light. Give mom a hug for me.

If I had the dough think I’d catch a jet to Rome tonight so I could join the throngs at the Vatican’s celebration tomorrow. Maybe Pastor Ken will buy me a Saint Teresa medal when he’s there!