the past… coming back to bless us

“Sometime’s we’re confused about what Angel’s are.”

Great opening line.  If that doesn’t catch your attention at the beginning of a message I don’t know what will.  Isn’t everyone a little confused about angels?  My translator… boy did he move well with it.

Pastor Ken McDaniel recently came across some video of work from one of our trips to Kenya, a decade ago.  It’s been fun to see the faces of old friends, remember moments we shared, to pray over folks that have meant so much to me and to wonder where they are today and how they’re doing.

Among the video is a message I preached in a little church in the city of Kitale.  Telling the story of Gideon – when God called on him to be a “mighty warrior” I encourage the congregation to step out for God – bringing their challenges and fears – trusting God to deliver a great victory.  It’s the heart of the story.

Watching myself – my ten year younger self – I was moved by the message and felt compelled to go to God again in my fear.  It was as if God had hidden this message like an Easter egg – waiting to be found, opened… – and deliver a blessing, again.

Your past doesn’t always have to haunt you.  Sometimes it comes back to bless us.  It happened to me, today.  It can happen to you as well.  Watch, listen, surrender your fears and let God lift you up.  The message and His victory is eternal.  He’s Inviting us to step out on His terms and say “Yes.”  Don’t miss your moment.