Central Perk

friends1Last week #coffeecuphampstead liked one of my tweets. Piqued my curiosity. In London. Defining statement? “For over 50 years this iconic coffee house has treated the Hampstead population to great coffee , tea and raisin Toast.”

“Great coffee, tea and raisin Toast.” My kind of place. Next time we’re in London, raisin toast, marmalade and some funky herbal tea it is.

A couple of years ago we spent no small effort converting several rooms at church into a larger gathering place. Put in a bit of a kitchen. Great counter space. Bought some blenders and toaster ovens. Even put up a couple of televisions… all in the hope someone would see the import in the simple task of loving people… not just saying they loved people… but starting the day by loving people with coffee, tea, some cinnamon toast – simple, inexpensive acts that express warmth, love and acceptance in practical ways.

A couple of my friends even offered to pay for an employee for 6 months but I quickly discovered that it’s not as easy as you might think to find someone who see’s a comfortable place for strangers and friends alike to hang out as a suitable expression of God’s Love. I sure do. Way better than a few Sunday School classrooms that sat empty all week long.

It’s being used. Tuesday morning’s our women’s Bible Study gathers at one end of the room, Thursday evenings we have our first small service of the weekend there. It’s becoming a comfortable and loving room but still far from the robust and welcoming gathering place I had imagined.

2016 is a great time to begin building our little room into what we once hoped it would become.

February is a month of prayer at Central Community Christian Fellowship​. Our doors open every morning at 5:30am for personal prayer and then at 6am we share in a devotion, communion and prayer together.

February’s the only month of the year I take communion every single day. This year’s a leap year – so 29 days of prayer.

Months before February 1 arrives I’m in personal preparation from deep within. I’ve been blessed to see the profound impact these days of prayer have had in the lives of so many. God alone knows how much healing, restoration, reconciliation, comfort, encouragement and inspiration have been the direct result of these times in prayer together. He knows it all. But anyone who’s shared even one month with us can tell you a cool story or two.

Last year I kept a 28 Days of Renewal Morning Miracle Log for people to list answers to prayer. 3 items listed were: Stan Brown released from hospital and able to share our circle of prayer, the dock workers lock out ended and finally it was bone dry in the sanctuary after a rain storm… Praise God for the new roof!

Each of these things may have occurred if we’d never prayed – God only knows – but we had the opportunity to pray for profound change, to silently, anonymously, enter in to the challenges of others, and to celebrate together when change came about.

February becomes a time of personal spiritual formation for me as I commit to take trans-formative action in my own life in order to find focus and direction as I seek God’s Will. Plainly speaking, I change it up a little. Take something out – put something in – that on a daily basis reminds me to turn to God. Two years ago February 1, it was $tarbucks and caffeine. They each played an important part in my everyday comings and goings. Barista’s from Los Angeles to San Diego knew my drink when I walked in the door. Made me feel like Norm on Cheers. “Norm!”

Two years later it seems so silly. Barely notice a $tarbucks any longer while driving. I use to search them out where ever I went. I’ve saved a ton of cash and interestingly enough a week after the headaches from lack of caffeine ended all of my headaches ended. I sound like my father here – but I haven’t had a headache in two years! (well maybe one or two… but I use to keep an ongoing prescription for mega-strength Motrin and it wasn’t exceptional for me to go through 30 to 40 of them a month. Hard to imagine now.

But I digress…

February 2016 may just be my perfect month to experience the joy of giving some time to being a barista in our “new” room. Pray, lead in communion, head over and serve coffee, cinnamon & raisin toast. Might even break out a little marmalade. I want to be of service and if I think it’s a good idea, why shouldn’t I get in there and open the doors to the community myself?

I believe in love. I believe that we really do all belong together. I believe that sometimes we just need a time and place to let what God’s up to simmer a bit until The Sweet Aroma fills the air. That’s my goal for February. Sound’s Positive and Amazing in it’s own simple way. In case I forget to tell you in the days ahead… You’re Invited!