Fit for Today – and How You Can Get Fit for Life


One of the tabs at the top of my page is titled Fit for Life.  Kind of arrogant really.  It’s not like there’s a magic pill or a genie in a bottle who’s going to make and keep you fit for the rest of your life.  Fitness is a decision – our decision – and we make it one day at a time.

I believe in BIG goals and dreams.  I know they require a well laid out plan with effective action steps that are put into practice day in and day out if you’re ever going to succeed.  It’s the same with fitness.  Whether you want to lose 200 pounds, take off 20 or you’re just battling to shake off those final stubborn few, it’s all the same.  Eat less.  Move more.  Today.  That’s it.

You can spend a bunch of money on some fancy gym or diet and if you stick with it – you’ll find success.  I’ve discovered that almost every plan and routine is successful for those who stick with it.  Same with Fit for Today.  Except that this year I’m posting everything on my website as well as on fb and it’s free, gratis, nada… jump right in and get just as fit as you’d like.

If you want to make contact or ask questions just use the contact form at the top of the Fit for Life link and I’ll get back to you.  Each week there are new forms to download in a simple pdf format that you can then print out on your own or load them to your phone or computer.  And if you live in our area, you’re always invited to join us Tuesday evenings for a weigh in, lesson, a little help from each other and sometimes even a walk together.

Today I’m posting one of my favorite pieces I wrote a couple of years ago about my very own downfall – afternoon breaks at Starbucks and “The Cautionary Tale of an Oatmeal Cookie.”  Read it, believe it, take it to heart next time you wonder why you just can’t shake those final few pounds.  Your body can be a beautiful Ferrari or you can clunk around in an old Ford Station Wagon – with our health, for most of us, it’s our choice – and for almost all of us… we can do better.  I know I can.  You’re Invited!

Cautionary Tale of The Oatmeal Cookie