Hunter and meOld Yeller made us cry, no matter how many times we watched it.  Lassie convinced us that he really knew that Timmy was in the well and could get help, or even pull him out on his own.  We knew all the words to the theme song for Underdog: “speed of lightning, roar of thunder – fighting all who rob or plunder – Underdog… Underdog!”  We even listened to songs about dogs… from “Hound Dog” to Dr. Demento’s weekly standard.  Dogs occupied both ends of the radio dial, from our childhood through our teens.

I’ve always had a dog.  They run with me, sleep next to my bed, keep me awake nights, start my morning rituals, give me something to complain about and have been fodder for a thousand stories.  Not today.

Over 13 years old, had to have Hunter put to sleep yesterday.  Paid a vet $140- to put a needle in his forearm, holding his head in my hands- I asked: “How long will it take?”  Looking down, Hunter was gone, the vet walking out of the room said: “Take all the time you need.”  I knew his room really wasn’t available to me for that long- so I kissed my old dog on the head one last time –stood, did my best to “be a man” and headed out to the car where we’d taken our last ride together.

Perspective: thousands lost nearly everything in the storms of Oklahoma, 5 H.S. kids lost their lives Monday in an accident on Jamboree, Debi’s dad died this month, this week marks the 5th anniversary of mom’s death… in the big scheme of things, Hunter was just a dog, I get that.  I’ve never had time for people who let their dogs wander around blind, deaf, incontinent, senile and barely able to walk – but I get it – that’s been Hunter for the last 6 months and I’ve just not been able to face the harsh reality that after 13 years another old friend, an important part of our family life, was gone.

Our last dog, Chelsea, an English Setter from the pound, ran with me until one morning when I came downstairs she couldn’t get up to walk.  Nearly 12, waiting for the kids to go to school and Debi to work, made that same last sad drive with her.  Said I’d never get another dog.  Within weeks Julia and I were wandering in and out of the pounds again looking for just the right puppy.  It took several months but soon we walked in on Hunter and it all just clicked.  Smart, funny, loyal and a righteous pain in the neck when he wanted to be, Hunter was the first dog I’d owned who could easily do my long runs of up to 20 miles.  Always in great shape – the one time he refused to listen was when he got out the front door – dumb dog was next to impossible to catch.

25 years and just 2 dogs – pretty blessed.  Hunter’s out again.  I’m glad he’s not suffering… but I’m going to miss that stupid, smelly old dog.  One of the kids snapped this shot after a morning run five or six years ago.  We both look like pups.  Debi’s taken good care of us.  Never want to make that last drive again.  Don’t think I’ll ever get another dog.  Next time I get the urge- I’ll just fire up Old Yeller.