Out of Control?

youth leaders of Baja at Siempre


Our weekend was overwhelmed with family in the hospital, Central Community and Jackets for Jesus.  One night without sleep, Debi going one direction me another with our daughter Julia stepping up and filling in all the gaps that were left undone… This morning, as Debi headed back out into it and I sat down for a bowl of cereal, caught this picture on fb and smiled.  Sometimes life may feel out of control- but it can be in the best way possible –this photo is that kind of fruit.  These young leaders aren’t even aware of it.  Too cool.

 You might recognize the backdrop- that’s Siempre Para Los Niño’s, our children’s home in Tijuana.  The good looking group of young people are leaders from the church of God across northern Baja California, Mexico. (check them out on fb here)  They’re not just hanging out together, they’re planning a summer camp for the end of this July that will be held here:

baja camp

It’s a small camp on a nice piece of land in the hills just north of Ensenada.  It holds a special place in my heart because that land was given to my dad by family friends in the late 60’s.  Dad in turn gave the property to church of God in Mexico.  Dad loved summer camps- thought being outdoors did something special for kids –helped them see The Best Face of God.  He used to bribe me with fishing trips out of Ensenada if I’d come and help him work at the camp- long before it was a camp.  It had been a ranch… those cabins in background were little more than a few outbuildings and a barn.  Some trips we’d go down and shovel out the last of the horse and cow manure.  One trip we worked together on a roof- stripping it down to bare wood, replacing and mending what needed fixing –then putting on shingles.  On the roofs of those little buildings you can sit and look at the ocean, which we did, and dad would cast a vision of how someday children from across Baja, children of poverty who might never enjoy a week in the country, would come and enjoy the view, creation and fall in love with their Creator.  Love the memories of those times alone with dad.  He was a generous visionary.

 That’s why I love the picture of all those young people– leaders –together, working to fulfill the vision of a man they never met and who’s name they’ll never know.  God is too good.

So while we were at the hospital- not knowing whether to pray for Debi’s Dad to rally back around or that The Lord would let him peacefully slip into eternity this was happening at the church at Siempre as part of the youth meetings.

inside the church at Siempre with youth

That’s the “little” church we built at Siempre.  I’d say: “the work that started it all…” but it probably really found its genesis somewhere on the roof of a rickety old outbuilding as a dad, cast a big vision of love into his son… who really just came along to go fishing.


People get hung up about “the church.”  From time to time we deserve it, no, we’ve earned all the grief heaped upon us.  But in almost every church, of any background, creed, denomination, faith, etc… what you’ll find are people on a quest for intimacy… folks who somewhere, at the very core of their being, know that “we belong together.”

The church of God in Mexico has maybe 50 congregations in the entire nation.  They’re pretty theologically conservative and can be socially restrictive… at their heart- is a great love for God and people –and I’m always thankful to share our small part in their great work.  My life has been made so much richer because these kind people opened their arms to me as a child- traveling with my father –and as a pastor in these years that Central Community has been building in Mexico.

Occasionally, working in Mexico, things have felt just a bit out of control… especially when all the challenges of our work at home, the needs of our family and personal issues come into play and then there’s a simple photo like this and I’m reminded just how small my vision is and how faithful God continues to be.  “He’s faithful when we are faithless.”

 We’re building again this Memorial Day Weekend.  You’re Invited.  One of the most wonderful moments of each build is when we sit on the plywood of a new roof and look out at the ocean and think: “We’re almost done!”  Little do we realize that God’s Great Work in us is just beginning.

 We don’t have enough money to get the job done yet- barely enough to begin.  We don’t have the workers necessary to complete the task yet.  It’s in The Hands of God – not out of control at all.  And we have an amazing opportunity to remind ourselves that we’re not alone.  We can make a difference.  That we belong together.

 You’re Invited!