Time Away

John and Kayaks at LaJolla

It’s been far too long… but we use to schedule 2 or 3 days off every few months or so just to get away.  Don’t do it much anymore- but I still highly recommend it.  Even when we couldn’t afford it and stuck it on a credit card- it helped us, emotionally, through some of life’s challenges we all face.  Think I can safely say we miss it… I’m guessing our adult children do as well.

When the kids were little- we alternated between places and times where we’d take the kids with us: skiing, to the beach for a couple of days, etc… to when it would just be the two of us and we’d have a gracious friend stay with the kids.  One of our favorite getaways was Aliso Creek- familiar surroundings –golf, we golfed together, -and the ocean… hard not to find a little rest and healing with beach, water, waves and a gentle evening breeze.

That’s our son John- 18 or so –in front of La Jolla Shores,one of our all time favorite get away spots, surrounded by our kayak and fishing gear.  Think Debi and I had taken a break and John visited us from nearby Point Loma Nazarene University… Don’t remember if we caught fish- rigged those boats to catch big game…and mostly just got an incredible work out from them: garage to truck, up onto racks, strapping them down, everything into the truck, then assembling the things in the dark on the sand, paddling for miles- literally –with a gps, fish finder, carrying live bait… then paddling miles back in – the whole process in reverse back to Riverside with a good wash down before returning everything to the garage! 

And I RAN- in the dark -each morning before doing that.  Now it wears me out just writing about it!  What a difference a decade makes.

Taking a rare break from Jackets for Jesus tonight.  I’m still sick, and didn’t want to infect a couple hundred guys on the streets.  Instead I’m doing what each of us- those who’ve served together on the streets for years –does when the rare night comes that we’re not all together.  I’ve watched the clock and prayed.  They’re getting ready to leave the church, they’re at McDonald’s, now they should be getting started and serving, they’re on their way home… soon they should be getting to the church- provided the van didn’t break down… and I can’t sleep… because I’m not where I know I belong; with them.

Belonging- it’s why Debi and I use to take an occasional Monday through Wednesday away together… -it’s why we took our kids to all the places we’ve been and the spots they fell in love with… -and it’s why a simple picture like this makes me smile: I belong… we belong.

Kayaking, surfing, running, sailing, cycling, fishing… the list is long but it’s not about doing, it’s about belonging- someplace – having a community that we can relate to and with – it’s essential to who we are as people- it’s why we write, why we’re on fb- we long for intimacy, the knowledge that we belong- it’s our deepest quest and at The Heart of what we were created for – we belong together.

Missed being with the team because I was sick.  Gave me the opportunity to think of each of them by name.  To remember just how much they mean to me and how thankful I am to belong.  Also reminded me that I probably ought to take Debi away for a couple of days once I’m feeling better.  Just might even invite the kids and the grandkids!

We belong together.